01. Develomment Fund Account (DFA)

On this account the customer may deposit their money for a fixed period of time.

Other’s Benefit : Accident Insurance will be given after paid first year savings and continue 10 years.

Agreement DEPOSITYearly Deposit1 YRS2 YRS3 YRS4 YRS5 YRS6 YRS7 YRS8 YRS9 YRS10 YRSPaid Amount
50,000 TK.50005000500050005000500050005000500050005000100000
100000 TK.1000010000100001000010000100001000010000100001000010000200000
Any Amount

02. Investment Savings Account (ISA)

On this account the customer may deposit their money for a fixed period of time.

Agreement DEPOSITYearly Deposit1 YRS2 YRS3 YRS4 YRS5 YRS6 YRS7 YRS8 YRS9 YRS10 YRSPaid Amount
50,000 TK.50005000500050005000500050005000500050005000100000
100000 TK.1000010000100001000010000100001000010000100001000010000200000
Any Amount

03. Yearly Investment Savings Account (YISA)

On this account the customer may deposit their money for a fixed period of time.

Agreement DEPOSITYearly Deposit1 YRS2 YRS3 YRS4 YRS5 YRS6 YRS7 YRS8 YRS9 YRS10 YRSPaid Amount
50,000 TK.50005000500050005000500050005000500050005000100000
100000 TK.1000010000100001000010000100001000010000100001000010000200000
Any Amount

04.Monthly Savings Account (MSA)

On this account the customer may deposit their money for a fixed period of time.

Agreement DEPOSITYearly Deposit1 YRS2 YRS3 YRS4 YRS5 YRS6 YRS7 YRS8 YRS9 YRS10 YRSPaid Amount
50,000 TK.50005000500050005000500050005000500050005000100000
100000 TK.1000010000100001000010000100001000010000100001000010000200000
Any Amount

05. Weekly Savings Account (WSA)

On this account the customer may deposit their money for a fixed period of time.

Agreement DEPOSITYearly Deposit1 YRS2 YRS3 YRS4 YRS5 YRS6 YRS7 YRS8 YRS9 YRS10 YRSPaid Amount
50,000 TK.50005000500050005000500050005000500050005000100000
100000 TK.1000010000100001000010000100001000010000100001000010000200000
Any Amount

06. Daily Savings Account (DSA)

On this account the customer may deposit their money for a fixed period of time.

Agreement DEPOSITYearly Deposit1 YRS2 YRS3 YRS4 YRS5 YRS6 YRS7 YRS8 YRS9 YRS10 YRSPaid Amount
50,000 TK.50005000500050005000500050005000500050005000100000
100000 TK.1000010000100001000010000100001000010000100001000010000200000
Any Amount
Agreement DEPOSITYearly Deposit1 YRS2 YRS3 YRS4 YRS5 YRS6 YRS7 YRS8 YRS9 YRS10 YRSPaid Amount
50,000 TK.50005000500050005000500050005000500050005000100000
100000 TK.1000010000100001000010000100001000010000100001000010000200000
Any Amount

The profit rate has been shown provisionally, the final profit rate will be declared after annual accounting.