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Funding Apply Deadline November & December 2020.
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Cisco Foundation Global Impact Cash Grants
Type of projects: innovative approaches to critical social challenges. Organisations and programmes must focus on at least one of the following areas: access to education; economic empowerment; critical human needs. Programmes must serve the underserved, and leverage technology to improve the reach and efficiency of services. Location: worldwide Grant size: the maximum request amount for first-time grant recipients is US$75,000
The Alborada Trust
Type of project: medical and veterinary causes, research and education, welfare of animals and help with relief to disaster areas worldwide Location: worldwide. Eligibility: registered national and international charities may apply Grant size: the Trust only awards grants of £25,000 or more
Rafto Prize 2021
Type of project: Recognition to those who fight against oppression. A candidate should be active in the struggle for the ideals and principles underlying the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and should represent a non-violent perspective. Location: Worldwide Eligibility: Individuals or organisations can be nominated Grant size: $20,000 Deadline: February 1 2021
British & Foreign Schools Society
Type of project: The British & Foreign School Society is a grant giving organisation and offers funding for education projects in the UK and around the world. BFSS only funds new projects, pilot projects, or projects which are planning a distinct new phase of development. Projects should be for the purposes of education or training for young people up to the age of 25. Particularly welcomed applications tackle: Conflict or natural disaster, Girls education or Looked after children. Location: Worldwide Eligibility: Organisations should have UK charitable status or, in the case of schools, colleges, universities and Churches, “exempt charity” status. We do not fund non-UK based organisations, Community Interest Companies (CICs) or individuals. Grant size: £5,000 to £60,000 Deadline: 31 November
Reimagine Charitable Giving Challenge
Type of project: Create digital tools—backed by behavioural science research—that will enable individual donors to give more effectively. Location: Worldwide Eligibility: Individuals, registered non-profits, civil society, community-based, and for-profit organizations working anywhere in the world may apply. Grant size: $100,000 USD Closing date: 6 November.
Spencer Foundation Small Research Grants
Type of project: The Small Research Grants Program supports education research projects that will contribute to the improvement of education, broadly conceived. This program is “field-initiated” in that proposal submissions are not in response to a specific request for a particular research topic, discipline, design, method, or location. Our goal for this program is to support rigorous, intellectually ambitious and technically sound research that is relevant to the most pressing questions and compelling opportunities in education. Location: Worldwide Eligibility: Principal Investigators (PIs) and Co-PIs have an earned doctorate in an academic discipline or professional field, or appropriate experience in an education research-related profession. The PI must be affiliated with a non-profit organization that is willing to serve as the administering organization if the grant is awarded. Examples include non-profit colleges, universities, school districts, and research facilities, as well as other non-profit organizations with a 501(c)(3) determination from the IRS. Proposals are accepted from the U.S. and internationally, however, all proposals must be submitted in English and budgets must be proposed in U.S. Dollars. Grant size: up to $50,000 Closing date: 3 November.
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Fondation Suez Type of project: Within its international projects focus areas, the Fondation supports projects in favour of access to essential services (water, sanitation and waste) for disadvantaged populations in developing countries and Emergency projects (France and Worldwide) Location: Worldwide Eligibility: Applicants must be legally registered for at least a year prior to application. Grant size: up to €80,000 Closing date: 31 October.
Whitley Award for Nature
Type of project: Whitley Awards provide funding, training and support to grassroots conservation leaders in the Global South and put an international spotlight on winners’ work. Location: Worldwide Countries that are not considered high-income with the exception of Equatorial Guinea and certain island nations in the Caribbean Eligibility: Not High Income Economy countries, Nationals with local support, locally incorporated NGOs, people able to speak English, Projects that are based on scientific evidence and understanding, Work involving (and benefitting) the local community, Ecosystem / landscape level projects are preferred, projects with past success and an evidence-based approach, Sustainable projects. grassroots conservationists from locally incorporated NGOs in developing countries can apply, rather than in-country staff employed by NGOs headquartered in developed countries Grant size: £40,000 Closing date: 31 October.
Open Road Alliance
Type of project: Charitable Grants will only be offered to organizations responding directly to COVID-19 that are also demonstrating how their intervention moves towards longer term adaptation and systemic/sustainable impact beyond the immediate outbreak. Proposals must be for projects which are: Mid-implementation – programs that are otherwise fully funded (not pilot projects); One-time cash need – well-defined discrete funding need (not pooled funds); Prioritizing clear, demonstrable, and deep impact that Can demonstrate clear potential to ‘flatten the curve’; AND Supports longer-term societal and economic adaptation beyond the immediate outbreak. Location: Worldwide Eligibility: Eligible organizations must be one of the following: A US-registered 501c3 non-profit in good standing; A for-profit social enterprise or foreign charity with a US-registered charitable fiscal sponsor/partner organization in good standing (501c3, Private Foundation, DAF, etc.); A foreign-registered charity able to successfully complete an equivalency determination (ED) process. (Note: Disbursement of funds may be delayed until the ED process is complete) Grant size: Up to $100,000 USD.
National Geographic Society’s Emergency Fund for Journalists
Type of project: This fund places particular emphasis on delivering news to underserved populations, particularly where there is a dearth of evidence-based information getting to those who need it. We are interested in local and even hyper-local distribution models. Priority communities include: Those at high risk or hit especially hard by the virus, indigenous communities, immigrant or refugee communities, underserved, urban, rural, elderly populations, and children. Reporting may cover any aspect of the virus and its fallout, including but not limited to: Social consequences of COVID-19 and measures to contain it, particularly related to equity—such as its impact on immigrant communities, domestic violence, and early childhood education. Stories of resilience and solutions that could be applied on a regional or global scale. Novel forms of data visualization or science communication to help communities better understand how to protect themselves. Lessons learned from local response(s) to COVID-19 that could be applied to other large-scale challenges, such as climate change or the refugee crisis. Best practices of how educators, students, and schools are reacting to this crisis, particularly as they illuminate under-resourced schools. Location: Worldwide Eligibility: We seek writers, photographers, videographers, audio journalists, cartographers, filmmakers, and data visualization experts to apply for this funding. Grant size: US$1,000–8,000. Applicants may use up to 100 percent of their budget as personal reimbursement for their reporting time Closing date: Rolling.
UKRI repurposing existing grants for Covid-19
Type of project: Apply to switch your existing grant to UKRI GCRF grant to Covid-19 priority areas: New research or innovation with a clear pathway to impact on policy or practice that has the potential , within the period of the award, to deliver a significant contribution to the understanding of, response to, and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic in a developing country context; Supports the manufacture and/or wide scale adoption of an intervention with significant potential for impact in developing countries; Gathers critical data and resources quickly for future research use. Researchers must provide a good case for why their original project should be repurposed. Location: Low- and Middle-Income Countries identified on the OECD DAC list of ODA recipients. Eligibility: This is process is not available for either: Companies and organisations being funded by Innovate UK or Applicants holding a Newton Fund grant. Grant size: Please note that no subsequent extension to the grant or additional costs will be allowed in order to meet the original objectives where these were altered to permit new COVID-19 research.
UKRI / Newton Fund Agile Response call to address COVID-19
Type of project: Proposals are invited for short-term projects addressing and mitigating the health, social, economic, cultural and environmental impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak. UKRI will support excellent proposals which meet at least one of the following: New research or innovation with a clear pathway to impact on policy or practice that has the potential , within the period of the award, to deliver a significant contribution to the understanding of, response to, and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic in a developing country context; Supports the manufacture and/or wide scale adoption of an intervention with significant potential for impact in developing countries; Gathers critical data and resources quickly for future research use. Location: Low- and Middle-Income Countries identified on the OECD DAC list of ODA recipients. Eligibility: Both UK and overseas applicants may apply. Both have separate eligibility criteria. Click on ‘apply’ to read full details. Grant size: There is no specific budget for this call. We are interested in funding research of any scale that can demonstrate it will deliver impact during the lifetime of the project. Closing date: Rolling.
USAID USAID/Bangladesh and the Private Sector: Partnering to Fight COVID-19
Type of project: The goal of the USAID Bangladesh and the Private Sector: Partnering to Fight COVID-19 program is to provide a medium through which organizations can work with USAID and the private sector to build Global Development Alliances that will: a) respond to the current outbreak of COVID-19 in Bangladesh; b) address important business interests and objectives; and c) advance USAID’s strategic priorities and objectives. Location: Bangladesh Eligibility: USAID Bangladesh is particularly interested in working with the Bangladeshi private sector. This includes non-traditional development partners such as private businesses, business and trade associations, chambers of commerce foundations, and financial institutions, in addition to traditional non-profit NGOs and for-profit development firms. An INGO can be either the resource partner or the implementing partner, but the consortium should include a private sector partner, preferably from the business community. Grant size: between $900,000 and $10,000,000 Closing date: 29 April 2021
Aurora Prize for Awakening Humanity
Type of project: The Aurora Prize for Awakening Humanity honours humanitarians who go to extreme lengths to save the lives of others, including those fighting the global outbreak of Covid-19. A special nomination form is available to nominate an individual or a group of people for their exemplary response to the Covid-19 pandemic in any professional or personal capacity. Location: Worldwide Eligibility: Individuals or groups of individuals can be nominated Award: $1m shared between laureates. Closing date: 31 October
GlobalGiving Microgrants
Type of project: These microgrants are focused on funding immediate and urgent needs that your organization foresees in the next 30-60 days as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Location: Worldwide Eligibility: Your organization must have Partner, Leader, or Superstar status, up-to-date due diligence, and at least one active project. GlobalGiving must be able to disburse funds to your organization. Grant size: $1,000
The Global Resilience Fund for Girls and Young Women
Type of project: Resourcing girls’ and young women’s activism through the COVID-19 crisis. The Fund is prioritizing applications from girls and young women with disabilities, girls and young women of colour, LGBTQIA2S youth, afro-descendant, indigenous and immigrant girls and young women, as well as those living in urban slum areas, rural areas, refugee camps, occupied territories and in conflict affected settings. Location: Worldwide Eligibility: Registered and unregistered community organisations led by girls, young women and/or trans and intersex youth with incomes of below $50,000 per year may apply. Applicants must have previously received funding from one of the following organizations: Central American Women’s Fund, Central America and Mexico Youth Fund (CAMY Fund), Disability Rights Fund, Filia, FIMI – The International Indigenous Women’s Fund, Fondo Semillas, Ford Foundation, FRIDA I The Young Feminist Fund, Global Fund for Children, Global Fund for Women, MADRE, Mama Cash, Plan International, Purposeful, Ukrainian Women’s Fund, UNICEF, With and for Girls Collective, Women Enabled International, Women’s Fund Asia, Women Win. Grant size: up to $5,000 – Grants are fully flexible Closing date: N/A
NIHR: Travel and subsistence funding
Type of project: Travel and subsistence funding to support delivery of technical expertise in the global response to Covid-19. Location: low and middle-income countries. Eligibility: Applicants must have a substantive position at a UK higher education institution or research organisation. Grant size: Host organisations are required to pre-finance activities in the event of a successful application. Applicants are required to complete and submit a Request for Reimbursement Form which should indicate itemised expenses claimed. Deadline: 31 December.
UN Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women
Type of project: The funding will focus on responses to and prevention of violence against women taking into account the intersectional marginalization of women in context of the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly acknowledging the increased risk of violence for some groups including indigenous women, women with disabilities, older women, domestic workers and women without access to technology. Location: Worldwide Eligibility: Women-led and women’s rights organizations, other legally registered civil society organizations on prevention and/or elimination of violence against women and girls, International women’s rights organizations, and International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs) that explicitly focus on gender equality only Grant size: 3-year grants of US $ 50,000 to US $ 150,000 for small civil society organizations, 3-year grants of US $150,001 to US $ 1,000,000 for all other civil society organizations. Closing date: 4 November.
Apply for the Kyoto World Water Grand Prize 2021 , Japan Water Forum starts to call for application for the Kyoto World Water Grand Prize 2021. The winner of the prize will receive 2,000,000 JPY (Approximately 18,000 USD, depending on fluctuating exchange rates). The deadline for the submission: 3:00 a.m. on Thursday, October 15, 2020 (UTC)
Eligibility for EntryAny non-profit organization based in a developing country*, which is involved in grass-roots activities aimed at solving water problems through measures consistent with local cultures.*Countries and territories classified as Least Developed Countries (LDCs)